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Nuclear Issues With North Korea

14 - May

The United States must find an option, using the aforementioned instrument of diplomacy to limit North Korea's nuclear capabilities and eliminate all possible present and future creation of nuclear weapons by the state. This applies to the core national interest of protecting the United States and its citizens from physical harm. Even with the U.S outside of weapons range and North Korean having extremely limited capabilities, the deployment of a nuclear weapon will cause global panic. Once the button has been pressed no one can know where the fighting will end, and, especially with the technology of the present the ramifications of such a war would be catastrophic.
The best possible course of action the United States can pursue is that in which North Korea stands to benefit financially. This is where the comparatively powerful economies of the United States, Japan, and South Korea can play a major role. By pursuing the possibility of a trade agreement North Korea is likely to be attracted to the potential assistance this would provide to the struggling state, even casting a favorable light on the current government. It has been established that although North Korea seems opposed to economic benefits in the situation and appears unlikely to agree to dismantle its nuclear weapons for such, successful negotiation could easily highlight the gains the state could acquire. Early on in the opening negotiations it would not be necessary to make North Korea incapable of generating legitimate nuclear power for domestic purposes, which could be monitored later on to make sure the state does not overstep boundaries. Eliminating the legitimate means of nuclear power North Korea has at the present could come across as an insult to the government (not that they don't deserve it) and make it less likely for North Korea to agree to negotiation talks. If the focus is placed on preventing the creation of nuclear weapons however, the United States and its allies can communicate their concerns more effectively as opposed to coming across as too intrusive.
Yet another upside to a diplomatic agreement through economic means would be the benefits all states involved besides North Korea would experience. The possible trade agreement would not only open new markets for North Korean goods, but also Japan and the U.S specifically would gain the benefits of a hungry North Korean market yearning for foreign goods. Once it becomes apparent exactly how much of a boost the North Korean economy could potentially experience, and this is weighed against the relatively unsuccessful demands that would follow a further North Korean nuclear build-up, this option will likely seem attractive to the state. Assuming a successful negotiation and the consequential dismantling of North Korean nuclear weapons measures such as U.N involvement can be put in place to prevent future rearmament. With a higher standard of living and more tolerable conditions in North Korea, the states the population once viewed as enemies may take on a more friendly aspect, further preventing any future capitalizing by the North Korean government on citizen's desperation, to instigate hatred of the United States and its Asian Allies

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